As the Covid-19 pandemic extends its impact to the new academic year, students are having to rapidly adapt to unprecedented changes in the educational environment and face increased financial and career insecurity. Some students are facing unexpected life and financial challenges due to the loss of part time jobs, unemployed parents or family members, and some have children or younger siblings at home needing care and attention. Course and field gear that used to be shared must now be individualized. Lockdowns of research facilities has slowed research productivity, requiring a resetting of thesis expectations. Even so, some students may still be required to stay at UT past their financial aid support windows. Significant university and federal resources have been distributed, but do not come close to meeting the needs of all of our students. This Hornraiser seeks to lift the burden from students in many ways as they push forward in their studies. If you would like to make a gift to support JSG students facing unexpected hardships, donate to the JSG “Keeping Dreams Alive” Hornraiser today.