Support for UTIG research staff and students.
Questions? travel@ig.utexas.edu

Before You Go
Submit a Request for Travel Authorization (RTA).
- Assign to UTIG Travel – 00029 (check default to save)
Include notes in the RTA indicating if you are traveling with other UT personnel.
Contact travel@ig.utexas.edu if:
- You need to rent a car
- There will be group meals
- Traveling within Texas
- Traveling internationally
- Traveling with students
Book travel through a UTIG travel admin or using ConcurSolutions.com.
BEFORE buying travel gear or supplies, please email purchasing@ig.utexas.edu.

While You’re Away
Consider starting a Travel Reimbursement Request at utdirect.utexas.edu to document expenses and organize receipts.
Travelers each must pay their own expenses; you can’t be reimbursed for someone else’s lodging, meals, etc.
Tips are reimbursable only up to 20% of the allowable pre-tax amount.
Alcohol is not reimbursable.
For travel in Texas, provide hotel state occupancy tax exemption form.
Need a rental vehicle unexpectedly? Contact Anthony Travel or travel@ig.utexas.edu for support.
When sharing a rental vehicle, only the person paying for the rental can be reimbursed for gas.

When You Return
Submit original receipts with supporting documentation when required.
Review travel expenses and prepare them for submission.
Submit a Travel Reimbursement Request through utdirect.utexas.edu
- Assign to UTIG Travel – 00029 (check default to save)
Alternatively, email travel@ig.utexas.edu or see a UTIG travel admin to initiate reimbursement.
For foreign travel:
- Add explanatory notes/translations for all foreign language receipts
- When available, provide bank or credit card statements showing the USD charge and any foreign currency charges
Turn receipts in within 60 DAYS of the last date of travel.
No receipt? Request replacement receipt; if that doesn’t work, submit proof of payment with a note that the original receipt is not available.
At hotel checkout, confirm:
- Expenses are itemized, including taxes, parking, room service, etc.
- Expenses are split correctly between travelers
- No Texas State Occupancy or Sales Tax is included
- Your receipt has a $0.00 balance
Plan travel for maximum savings and efficiency.
Airfare reimbursement may not exceed the lowest available refundable airfare.
Change fees are only reimbursable if incurred for business-related reasons.
Coordinate with other travelers going on the same trip.
Expenses related to personal travel cannot be reimbursed.
Meal per diem is allowable only for the amount you actually spend, up to the daily max.
DO NOT claim the full meal per diem if you spend less.
Save relevant contact information, trip documentation, and all receipts.
- Airfare
- Vehicle rentals
- Taxi, bus, or train fare for travel between cities
- Lodging:
- Must be itemized
- Must have $0 balance
- Registration
Anthony Travel
+1 512-617-8444
+1 800-684-2044
Anthony Travel After-Hours
+1 800-342-9008 (VIT Code S4RRG)
ISOS +1 215-942-8478 (Mbr#11BEGC000037)
UT Travel Management