Soraya’s research uses numerical modeling to investigate the mechanisms responsible for the extended duration of Chicxulub crater’s hydrothermal system. Constraining the dynamics of fluid flow has implications pertaining to how life recovered following the end-Cretaceous mass extinction and can also provide insights for the role of impact craters in the field of habitability. Soraya completed her M.S. at UT Austin in 2024 researching Chicxulub’s hydrothermal system and is excited to dive into the properties of impact-shocked lithologies to further investigate how the impact cratering can alter planetary crusts.
Numerical modeling, impacts, Chicxulub crater, hydrothermal fluid flow
Sean Gulick
Marc Hesse
Ph.D., Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin (Current)
M.Sc., Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin (2024)
B.Sc., Geology, University of South Florida (2020)