UTIG researchers and students in the news.
Degrees of Science: Europa Clipper Mission, KWTX-TV News 10
Humans brought the heat. Earth says we pay the price, The Register
Rain Is Coming to Burning Los Angeles and Will Bring Its Own Risks, Scientific American
The Future Of West Coast Wildfire Is Whiplash, Defector
Weird weather isn’t always because of climate change — but sometimes it is, NPR
Mars may have a solid inner core like Earth does, New Scientist
TERMINUS: A Climate Research Expedition, Inside Unmanned Systems (PDF)
‘We’re the First’: Spacecraft En Route to Conduct UT’s Search for Water on Europa, Reporting Texas
Helping the Karuk Tribe in California Prepare for Climate Challenges, The Story Exchange
Exploring Alien Oceans: NASA’s Bold Mission to Uranus’ Moons, SciTechDaily
Landslides and earthquakes could soon be predictable thanks to UT partnership, KXAN News (and YouTube)
Secret oceans could exist in our solar system; new UT model aims to find them, KXAN News
The Space Space: A new UT model helps discover secret oceans on Uranus’s moons, KXAN News (YouTube)
NASA spacecraft to Jupiter’s moon uses UT research to determine if it’s habitable, The Daily Texan
Jupiter moon mission: Taranaki man realises childhood dream on Europa project, RNZ (Radio New Zealand)
Tower Talks: Climate Change, TSTV News (YouTube)
Clipper Sets Sail for an Ocean Millions of Miles Away, Eos
UT Austin Instrument Launched on NASA Mission, KXAN News (YouTube)
9 Crucial Technologies for the Europa Clipper Mission Here’s how the spacecraft will investigate whether the icy moon has life, IEEE Spectrum
UT Austin to visit Europa in search of alien life, KXAN News
The Space Space: UT Austin head to Jupiter for alien search, KXAN News (YouTube)
NASA Launches Europa Clipper to Explore an Ocean Moon’s Habitability, The New York Times
Science Weekly: Into the abyss beneath Greenland’s glaciers, The Guardian (Podcast)
‘Oh my God, what is that?’: how the maelstrom under Greenland’s glaciers could slow future sea level rise, The Guardian
Dr. Douglas Hemingway: Enceladus’ Ice Canyons, Martian Oceans, Magnetic Lunar Swirls, and More, Heights of Humanity Podcast
The worst wildfire in Texas’ history has a complex link with climate change, BBC
Earth’s moon is shrinking. Here’s what scientists say that could mean, CNN Space & Science
The Coral Chronicles, Science
UT Professor’s Research About the Connection Between Texas and Antarctica Wins Polar Medal, Alcalde
Two Studies on Greenland Reveal Ominous Signs for Sea Level Rise, New York Times
Lost River Landscape Discovered below East Antarctic Ice, Scientific American
Ancient Earth: Humans, PBS NOVA (documentary)
A new study points to a key window of opportunity to save Greenland’s ice sheet, NPR
One of the most intense El Niños ever observed could be forming, Washington Post
Texas student’s work travels to Jupiter, helps track climate change on Earth, KXAN News (YouTube | Preview)
Antarctica explorer and University of Texas researcher to be honored with Polar Medal, KXAN News (YouTube)
Forecasting the Big One, Curiosity Stream (documentary)
UT professor Ian Dalziel recognized for contributions to understanding Antarctica with UK Polar Medal, Daily Texan
Undersea mountains help lubricate ‘slow slip’ earthquakes, Science Magazine
Frictional healing: Prediction of potential earthquakes, Tribology & Lubrication Technology (PDF)
Roadside Geology of Tennessee: AMSEcast with guest Marcy Davis, AMSEcast: American Museum of Science and Energy (audio)
Scientists find weird holes on the ocean floor spewing ancient fluids ‘like a fire hose’, Live Science
What Lies Beneath the Ice of Jupiter’s Moons? Two Missions Will Investigate, Inverse
Quirks and Quarks with Bob McDonald: Fossils suggest that if equatorial oceans get too warm, plankton may desert, CBC Listen (audio)
Jackson School experts plan an expedition at Greenland’s glacial edges, Texas Connect
UT Austin lab simulates miniature earthquakes; discovers role ‘healing’ plays in slow earthquakes, KXAN News (YouTube)
The science of slow earthquakes, KXAN News (video)
UT study finds warming waters are moving plankton, KXAN News (YouTube)
Morning Edition: Study shows the potential consequences of climate change for the ocean food web, NPR (audio)
Earth’s newly discovered layer could help scientists predict earthquakes, KXAN News (YouTube)
Scientists Discover Hell: A New Molten Layer Under Earth, Popular Mechanics
Journey to the Doomsday Glacier, The New Yorker
University of Texas led team drills into area producing ‘the largest earthquakes on the planet’, KXAN News (YouTube)
Europa Clipper may be able to spot shallow lakes that erupt icy ‘lava’, Space.com
Gulf of Mexico: Mature – but significant potential, GEO ExPro
Underwater snow reveals new clues about Europa as ocean world missions draw closer, CNN
Clues to alien life on Jupiter’s moon could be found in ‘underwater snow’, KXAN News
Shards of pure ice might snow upwards beneath the ice shell of Europa, New Scientist
It May Be Snowing Upside Down In The Water Beneath Europa’s Surface, SyFy Wire
Glaciers are melting faster and humans are at fault, UT scientists finally prove, KXAN News
Summer forecast: What will rare third consecutive year of La Niña mean for our summer weather? KXAN News
Lake discovered frozen in time beneath Antarctica ice sheet, UT researchers say, KXAN News (YouTube)
UT researcher heads out on drill ship to study Earth’s past, Fox 7 News
How a Ridge of Ice in Greenland Could Help Us Find Alien Life in Europa’s Ocean, Inverse
El Niño climate patterns are becoming more frequent; are we to blame?, KXAN News
Earthquake Lightning Rod, NSF Science Now (video)
UT researchers sending undersea robot to investigate icy uncharted waters, KXAN News (YouTube)
The Bumpy Search for Liquid Water at the South Pole of Mars, Eos
Examining sediment in Lady Bird Lake may be key to understanding toxic algae blooms, KXAN News (YouTube)
A deep dive into earthquake forecasting, Cosmos Magazine
How Unsustainable Sand Mining Affects the Environment, Discover Magazine
UT researcher working on plate tectonic study suggests new theory of plate deformation, Daily Texan
When will the ‘Big One’ hit? UT prof trying to help forecast earthquakes, KXAN News (video)
An earthquake lasted 32 years. Scientists want to know how, National Geographic
Researchers probe bay mysteries, Port Aransas South Jetty
A sunken river valley could hold the key to protecting the Texas coast, Grist
As the seas rise and storms threaten, scientists hunt for sand to strengthen the Texas coast, Houston Chronicle
UT Scientists, Texas government fight coastal erosion, Daily Texan
The Search Begins For New Texas Sand Sources, Texas Standard (audio)
How the meteor that killed dinosaurs created modern forests, Axios Science
The Cold Case That Took 66 Million Years To Solve: An Asteroid Caused Dinosaur Extinction, Texas Standard (audio)
Lingering La Niñas may help forecasters spot costly weather patterns two years away, Washington Post
Drought, fire threat increasing in Texas again as La Niña takes hold,
Texas Climate News
Seismologists search for new earthquake data in suddenly silent world, Houston Chronicle
Breakthrough of the Year 2019: A killer impact and its aftermath, Science
A Deep-Sea Magma Monster Gets a Body Scan, New York Times
Nile millions of years older than previously thought, study says, Fox News
A New Timeline of the Day the Dinosaurs Began to Die Out, New York Times
Plate tectonics runs deeper than we thought, Ars Technica
Austin city leaders expected to declare climate emergency, KXAN News
Age and Speed Matter in the Formation of New Oceanic Crust, EOS (Earth and Space Science News)
UT geophysics professor in it for the people, Austin-American Statesman
UT study look at geologic conditions of Deepwater Horizon explosion, Fox 7 News (video)
Ice Drove Past Indo-Pacific Climate Variance, Eos (Earth and Space Science News)
Splosh! How the dinosaur-killing asteroid made Chicxulub crater, BBC News
Dino-killing asteroid crater immediately became a cradle of life, New York Post
After an Asteroid Killed the Dinosaurs, Underwater Life Staged a Comeback, History
Venus may have hosted life, researchers say, Cosmos
Scientists identify historic correlation between ocean circulation and rainfall, UPI
Solving the mysteries of the dino-killing crater, Cosmos
Trump’s offshore oil plan will struggle to lure rigs from Guyana, World Oil
Drilling for the Dinosaurs’ End, NOVA
East Antarctica’s biggest glacier lost ice because of warm water and strong winds, The Verge
UT researchers study Hurricane Harvey’s effects, The Daily Texan
Ocean bottom seismometers become work of art, The Outer Banks Voice