Catch up with friends, heckle enemies. Find out whose doing what at AGU Fall with our (mostly) comprehensive schedule of talks and posters from current (and recent) UTIG research staff and students.
Notice something amiss, get in touch!
Monday, December 11
All times local San Francisco time (PST).

Shuoshuo Han
10:20 – 10:30
154 – South (Upper Mezzanine, South, MC)

John Erich Christian
(Now at University of Oregon)
10:45 – 10:55
2001 – West (Level 2, West, MC)

Soraya Alfred
Modeling of the Post-Impact Hydrothermal System at the Chicxulub Crater
14:10 – 18:30
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Ethan Conrad
14:10 – 18:30
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Sean Gulick
Ultra-high resolution 3D seismic data within the K-Pg Chicxulub impact structure
14:10 – 18:30
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Kaixuan Kang
14:10 – 18:30
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Casey Vigilia
14:10 – 18:30
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)
Tuesday, December 12
All times PST.

Danielle Touma
10:22 – 10:32
3005 – West (Level 3, West, MC)

Brian Horton
Andean Flat Slab Subduction, Tectonic Inheritance, and Broken Foreland Basin Development (Invited)
14:10 – 14:20
154 – South (Upper Mezzanine, South, MC)

Alejandro Cardona
Relative Permeability of Hydrate-Bearing Sediments: The Critical Role of Hydrate Dissolution
8:30 – 12:50
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Kaixuan Kang
Impact of Non-Newtonian Rheology on Earth’s Response to Antarctica Ice Mass Flux
8:30 – 12:50
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Tanner Mills
8:30 – 12:50
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Kehua You
Thermal and Hydraulic Controls on Gas Production from Methane Hydrate Reservoirs
8:30 – 12:50
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)
Wednesday, December 13
All times PST.

Graciela Lopez Campos
8:30 – 12:50
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Douglas Hemingway
History and Future of the Martian Dynamo
8:30 – 12:50
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Megan Kerr
Characterizing the Subglacial Hydrology of the South Pole Basin, Antarctica Using COLDEX Airborne Geophysics
8:30 – 12:50
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)
As Megan is currently in Antarctica conducting aerogeophysical surveys for the COLDEX project, this poster will be presented by Shuai Yan.

Nicholas Montiel
Magmatic accretion and asthenospheric convection during Venusian-styled rifting
8:30 – 12:50
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Jingxuan Wei
Unlocking a Global Ocean Mixing Dataset: Toward Standardization of Seismic-derived Turbulent Mixing Rates
8:30 – 12:50
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Shuai Yan
Investigating the Holocene evolution of a major subglacial lake in East Antarctica
8:30 – 12:50
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

John Goff
Sand Bar Dynamics and Ebb-Tidal Delta Construction Offshore Shell Island, Florida
14:10 – 18:30
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Mandala Pham
Mushroom Diversity and Abundance as a Function of Fire History in Arctic Peatlands
14:10 – 18:30
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Krista Soderlund
Understanding Uranus and Neptune’s Intrinsic Magnetic Fields with Coupled Interior-Atmosphere Dynamo Models
14:10 – 18:30
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Shivangini Singh
Englacial Stratigraphy at the Southern Flank of Dome A, Antarctica Derived Using Airborne Radar-Sounding Surveys: A COLDEX Perspective
14:10 – 18:30
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)
As Shivangini is currently in Antarctica conducting aerogeophysical surveys for the COLDEX project, this poster will be presented by Shuai Yan

Jingxuan Wei
High-resolution Observation of Ocean Dynamics along the Campeche Continental Slope and Implications for Contourite Drifts Formation
14:10 – 18:30
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)
Thursday, December 14
All times PST.

Chuanming Liu
Depth-Dependent Seismic Azimuthal Anisotropy beneath the Juan de Fuca and Gorda Plates
9:05 – 9:15
151 – South (Upper Mezzanine, South, MC)

Robert Domeyko
9:22 – 9:32
3024 – West (Level 3, West, MC)

Kevin Shionalyn
Predicting and Analyzing Greenland Outlet Glacier Seasonality Using Machine Learning (Invited)
10:20 – 10:30
2005 – West (Level 2, West, MC)

Laura Wallace
11:22 – 11:32
158 – South (Upper Mezzanine, South, MC)

Ethan Conrad
14:20 – 14:30
155 – South (Upper Mezzanine, South, MC)

Kaitlin Schaible
14:32 – 14:43
154 – South (Upper Mezzanine, South, MC)

Peter Flemings
‘Lab to Planet’: an introductory course to develop quantitative intuition for the earth scientist.
14:56 – 15:08
158 – South (Upper Mezzanine, South, MC)

Donald Blankenship
Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON)
8:30 – 12:50
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Kristian Chan
Near-surface Layer Characterization of Icy Moons: a Multi-bandwidth Radar Reflectometry Approach
8:30 – 12:50
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Nicole Ferrie
Predicting Boron Sorption on Aluminosilicate Minerals as Functions of Temperature and pH
8:30 – 12:50
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Chris Lowery
The history of the Loop Current recorded in seismic stratigraphy of the eastern Campeche Bank contourite drifts
8:30 – 12:50
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Peter Miller
Consolidation behavior of volcaniclastic sediments: Implications for dewatering of sediments along the Northern Hikurangi Subduction Margin
8:30 – 12:50
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Jason Bott
Potential Sources of a Velocity Anomaly at the Grounding Line of Haynes Glacier
14:10 – 18:30
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Erik Fredrickson
Seafloor observations of a 2022 shallow slow slip event in the Hikurangi Subduction Zone offshore Gisborne
14:10 – 18:30
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)
Friday, December 15
All times PST.

Ginny Catania
Seasonal drivers of outlet glacier velocities in Greenland
8:50 – 9:00
2005 – West (Level 2, West, MC)

Kehua You
Methane emission from the thawing subsea permafrost at the Arctic continental shelves since the Last Glacial Maximum
9:30 – 9:40
3009 – West (Level 3, West, MC)

Natalie Wolfenbarger
(Now at Stanford University)
Salt Layers as Radar-Detectable Structure within Europa’s Ice Shell
11:10 – 11:20
211 – South (Level 2, South, MC)

Mikayla Pascual
Ice-sediment coupling increases modeled ice volume
11:20 – 11:30
2005 – West (Level 2, West, MC)

Carson Miller
Internal sand bank seismic stratigraphy provides insight into paleo-barrier island preservation
14:40 – 14:50
2002 – West (Level 2, West, MC)

David Chas Bolton
Insights into the physics of earthquake rupture from a 1-meter earthquake machine
14:10 – 18:30
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

David Chas Bolton
Aseismic faulting associated with injection induced earthquakes in the Delaware Mountain Group of West Texas: Insights from Laboratory Experiments
14:10 – 18:30
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Brian Horton
Structural Styles and the Orogenic Architecture of the Andes
14:10 – 18:30
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

Danqi Jiang
Characterizing Outer Wedge Structure Along the Cascadia Subduction Margin Using CASIE21 Seismic Data
14:10 – 18:30
Poster Hall A-C – South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)