Daily Report
The University of Texas at Austin and Geotek are in Cameron, Texas, conducting land-based coring tests of the Pressure Core Tool with Ball Valve (PCTB), a highly complex piece of engineering designed to core, contain and recover samples of methane hydrate bearing sediments. The primary goal of the project is to test the tool, gain insights into its operation, and train personnel who will join the mission team when UT returns to the Gulf of Mexico in 2022. This is the final of five daily reports.
0000: Lay out drill pipe in singles to pipe racks (from night shift).
0700: Daily briefing, safety and planned operations for the day.
0730: Break down BHA and lay out to catwalk.
- Disassemble PDT and RPT and place in shipping crate.
- Disassemble PCTB coring tools and place in service conex.
1300: Load all drill collars and BHA subs into heavy tools conex.
- Load PCTB outer core barrel subassembly in service conex.
1500: Load heavy tools conex on flatbed truck for shipment to GCI in Salt Lake City.
- Load service conex on flatbed truck for shipment to GCI in Salt Lake City.
- Load PDT/RPT crate on trailer for shipment to Pettigrew Engineering.
1600: All trucks depart CTTF.
Note: The drill pipe was loaded out and shipped from CTTF to Texflo on Monday, 23 March and from Texflo back to Tuboscope on Thursday, 26 March.