Research Assistant Professor
Benjamin Keisling is interested in what archives of the past can teach us about the future. Benjamin’s research focuses on how ice sheets, particularly in Greenland and Antarctica, responded to past changes in climate. He is particularly interested in understanding the mechanisms that were involved in ice-sheet change in the past, in order to better understand how those same processes will impact ice-sheet change in the future. Benjamin integrates numerical ice-sheet and climate models with marine and terrestrial geologic archives to advance our understanding of ice-sheet change. He is also interested in the history of geoscience and geoscience education, and how targeted interventions can advance justice and equity in geoscience over the next half-century.
Past climate, ice sheet dynamics, justice in geoscience
Ph.D., Geosciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst
M.Sc., Geosciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst
B.A., Physics, Saint Olaf College
Office: 2.232
Curriculum Vitae
Second National Conference on Justice in Geoscience