Dunyu’s research focuses on understanding the effect of earthquake fault geometry and dynamic rupture on complex earthquake phenomena with the aid of finite-element method and parallel computing. He is interested in applying multicycle dynamic models to geometrically realistic fault systems to understand mechanics behind rupture segmentation and complex recurrence intervals from paleo seismological records. He is also interested in leveraging high performance computing to model fully dynamic earthquake cycles and ground shaking from scenario earthquakes. The big goal is to develop physics-based models that explain multidisciplinary observations over wide ranges of spatial and temporal scales, which lend the models credibility to better prediction on future earthquake rupture extent, timing, and ground shaking.
Earthquake dynamic ruptures and cycles, numerical modeling, parallel computing, fault geometric complexity, and ground motion simulation.
Ph.D., Geophysics, Texas A&M University
M.S., Geophysics, Peking University
B.S., Geophysics, Peking University