Manasij received his undergraduate degree in Geology from the University of Calcutta. He received his master’s degree in Applied Geology from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, where he conducted research in the tectonics of the Precambrian Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt. Manasij earned his Ph.D. in geological sciences at The University of Texas at Austin where he studied the stratigraphy of active (Tyee Forearc Basin) and passive (New Jersey shelf) margins, focusing on basin-margin configuration, source to sink stratigraphy and deepwater sedimentary processes. Manasij has worked in the energy industry in India (deep water exploration and field development in the Krishna Godavari Basin) and in the United States (exploration in the Gulf of Mexico). At present, he studies marine gas hydrate systems in the Gulf of Mexico as part of the GOM² project at the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics.
natural gas hydrate systems, deepwater depositional processes and architecture of deepwater deposits, basin-margin clinoform shape and stacking pattern, stratigraphy of clastic shelf margins, stratigraphy of basins under influence of halokinetic movement, reservoir modeling, basin modeling.
Ph.D. in Geological Sciences, University of Texas at Austin
M.Sc. in applied Geology, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India.
B.Sc. in Geology, Presidency College, University of Calcutta, India
Office: JGB 5.342
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