As the Covid-19 pandemic extends its impact to the new academic year, students are having to rapidly adapt to unprecedented changes in the educational environment and face increased financial and career insecurity. Some students are facing unexpected life and financial challenges due to the loss of part time jobs, unemployed parents or family members, and some… Continue Reading Keeping Dreams Alive During a Pandemic
Climate scientist moves research online, while learning to homeschool
On March 13, 2020, like most labs at The University of Texas at Austin, the Jackson School’s Analytical Laboratory for Paleoclimate Studies powered down instruments, stored samples and suspended operations. The lab’s research team gathered what data they could and took their work online. For Jud Partin, a UTIG research associate who leads the research… Continue Reading Climate scientist moves research online, while learning to homeschool
What spending a season in Antarctica can tell you about self-isolation
By Dillon Buhl Dillon Buhl is a UTIG polar research engineering associate with four Antarctic research expeditions under his belt. His latest trip to investigate a massive melting glacier in West Antarctica, ended not long before social distancing measures began in the U.S. Here, he compares his experiences in the field with quarantine. I’ve been… Continue Reading What spending a season in Antarctica can tell you about self-isolation
Seismologists search for new earthquake data in suddenly silent world
With cities around the world in lockdown, scientists could take advantage of the sudden drop in background seismicity to investigate fault zones near urban centers. UTIG research scientist associate, Rob Porritt, helped the Houston Chronicle investigate exactly what’s going on, and how useful that might be in Texas.