The Sen Research Group at the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics.
Research Scientists
Mrinal K. Sen
Professor and Jackson Chair in Applied Seismology / Associate Director
Interests: seismology, high performance computing, applied math
Postdoctoral Fellows
Ram Tuvi
Postdoctoral Fellow
Interests: wave theory in frequency and time domains, analytical and computational methods in electromagnetics, acoustics and seismology, imaging and inverse theory
Student Research Assistants
Ricardo DeBraganca
Graduate Research Assistant
Cameron DeFabry
Graduate Research Assistant
Arnab Dhara
Graduate Research Assistant
Interests: reservoir characterization, inverse problems, machine learning
Xin Liu
Graduate Research Assistant
Interests: seismic imaging, seismic inversion
Son Phan
Graduate Research Assistant
Interests: seismic quantitative methods for reservoir characterizations: inversion, wave propagation, rock physics modeling, anisotropy, uncertainty analysis
Dimitri Voytan
Graduate Research Assistant
- Jackson Tomski, MS Fall 2020, DGS, UT Austin
- Raul Silva (co-supervision with Jonas DeBasabe), PhD, Fall 2020, CICESS, Mexico
- Reetam Biswas, PhD Fall 2019, DGS, UT Austin
- Janaki Vamaraju, PhD Fall 2019, DGS, UT Austin
- Badr A. Alulaiw, PhD Fall 2018, DGS, UT Austin
- Hala Alqatari, MS Fall 2018, DGS, UT Austin
- Pedro Alejandro, MS, Spring 2018, DGS, UT Austin
- Debanjan Datta, PhD, fall 2017, DGS, UT Austin
- Han Liu (co-supervision with Kyle Spikes), Spring 2016, PhD, DGS, UT Austin
- M. Chauhan (co-supervision with Prof. Maurizio Fedi) , Fall 2017, PhD, University of Naples Federico, Italy.
- P. K. Mishra (co-supervision with Prof. S. K. Nath), Fall 2017, PhD, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India.
- Pan Bei, PhD Spring 2016, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Estimation of fluid factor in fractured media from multi-component seismic data (Exchange PhD Student)
- Qi Ren, PhD Spring 2016, UT-DGS, Seismogram synthesis, imaging, and rock physics for reservoir characterization
- Zeyu Zhao, PhD Spring 2016, UT-DGS, Double plane wave reverse time migration
- Biswajit Mandal, PhD Spring 2014, NGRI, India, Velocity-independent imaging of DSS data
- Yang Xue, PhD Fall 2013, UT-DGS, Seismic inversion for reservoir characterization and monitoring
- Kumar Das, MS Spring 2013, UT-DGS, Seismic inversion and estimation of hydrate saturation
- Mohammed Alhussain, PhD Spring 2013, UT-DGS, Overbuden removal and new AVOA method for fracture characterization
- Yi Tao, PhD Fall 2012, UT-DGS, Seismic interferometry and full waveform inversion in plane wave domain.
- Corey Joy, MS Summer 2011, UT-DGS, Effective medium modeling of carbon sequestered reservoirs.
- Son Phan, MS Spring 2011, UT-DGS, Uncertainty in reservoir parameter estimation,
- Ma Jitao, PhD Spring 2009, China University of Petroleum, Multiple attenuation in plane wave domain.
- Jonas De Basabe, PhD Spring 2009, Computational and Applied Math, Numerical Simulation of Elastic Wave Propagation
- Samik Sil, PhD Spring 2009, UT-DGS, Two-way travel time analysis for seismic reservoir characterization
- Tao Liu, Exchange PhD Student 2009, Beijing University, Dept of Geophysics, Hybrid finite difference-finite element of seismic wave propagation.
- Daniel Smith, MS Fall 2008, UT-DGS, Seismic Trace Regularization and Datuming
- Abdul Aziz Al-Aslani, MS Summer 2008, UT-DGS, Post-stack and pre-stack inversion for porosity estimation of carbonate reservoirs
- Tiancong Hong, PhD Summer 2008, UT-DGS, MCMC Algorithm, Integrated 4D Seismic Reservoir Characterization and Uncertainty Analysis in a Bayesian Framework
- Sanjay Sood, MS Fall 2007, UT-DGS, Estimation of Q from seismic refractions data
- Reeshidev Bansal, PhD Spring 2007, UT-DGS, Seismic Characterization of Naturally Fractured Rerservoirs
- Gregory Russell Young, MS Spring 2007, UT-DGS, Effective Porosity Estimation from 3D Seismic: Marco Polo Field
- Dhananjay Kumar, PhD Spring 2005, UT-DGS, Analysis of multicomponent seismic data from the Hydrate Ridge, offshore Oregon
- Jiao Xue, PhD (Visiting Student), China University of Geosciences, Anisotropy parameter estimation and inversion for reservoir characterization
- Adam Allan, BS Fall 2009 (Dec) Honors Program, DGS-UT (Undergraduate), Regularization methods
- Chandan Kumar, PhD Fall 2006, UT-DGS, Stress estimation from fault plane reflection coefficient,
- Joost Van der Noot, Exchange MS Student 2005, Applied Geophysics, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, Stress induced anisotropy
- Armando Sena, PhD Fall 2004 (Dec), UT-DGS, Imaging and analysis of GPR data
- Heidi Poot, Exchange PhD Student 2003, Applied Geophysics, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, Imaging methods for acoustical data.
- Chengshu Wang, PhD Summer 2003 (Aug), UT-DGS, Velocity estimation of gas hydrate.
- Gijs Meek, Exchange MS Student 2003, Mining Engr and Applied Geophysics, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, Integrated subsurface modelling,
- Anubrati Mukherjee, PhD Spring 2002 (May), UT-DGS, Seismic Processing in transversely isotropic media: A tau-p approach.
- Abdul-Aziz Saleh Alaslani, PhD Fall 2001 (Dec), UT-DGS, Developing, testing, and evaluating wave equation based multiple removal methods for marine seismic data.
- Saleh Mohammad Al-saleh, MS Summer 2001 (Aug), UT-DGS, Processing of ocean bottom cable data.
- Faqi Liu, PhD Summer 1999 (Aug), UT-DGS, Free surface multiple elimination operators and their applications.
- Mehmet Tanis, PhD Fall 1989 (Dec), UT-DGS, A Comparison of Migration Methods in Laterally Varying Media.
- Ganyuan Xia, PhD Summer 1997 (Aug), UT-DGS, Prestack Migration and Inversion.
- Carlos Calderon-Macias, PhD Summer 1997 (Aug), UT-DGS, Feedforward NN, Hopfield network and mean field annealing in seismic waveform inversion.
- Faruq Akbar, PhD Summer 1997 (Aug), UT-DGS, Three-dimensional prestack plane-wave Kirchhoff depth migration in laterally varying media.
- Eddy Luhurbudi, MA Spring 1997 (May), UT-DGS, Traveltime calculation in 3-D.
- Raghu Chunduru, PhD Spring 1996 (May), UT-DGS, Hybrid linear/nonlinear inversion of geophysical data.
- Setiyono Kriyanti, MS Fall 1996 (May), UT-DGS, Comparison of Multiple Elimination Methods