The Sen Research Group at the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics.
Research Scientists

Mrinal K. Sen
Professor and Jackson Chair in Applied Seismology / Associate Director
Interests: seismology, high performance computing, applied math
Postdoctoral Fellows

Ram Tuvi
Postdoctoral Fellow
Interests: wave theory in frequency and time domains, analytical and computational methods in electromagnetics, acoustics and seismology, imaging and inverse theory
Student Research Assistants

Arnab Dhara
Graduate Research Assistant
Interests: reservoir characterization, inverse problems, machine learning

Son Phan
Graduate Research Assistant
Interests: seismic quantitative methods for reservoir characterizations: inversion, wave propagation, rock physics modeling, anisotropy, uncertainty analysis
- Jackson Tomski, MS Fall 2020, DGS, UT Austin
- Raul Silva (co-supervision with Jonas DeBasabe), PhD, Fall 2020, CICESS, Mexico
- Reetam Biswas, PhD Fall 2019, DGS, UT Austin
- Janaki Vamaraju, PhD Fall 2019, DGS, UT Austin
- Badr A. Alulaiw, PhD Fall 2018, DGS, UT Austin
- Hala Alqatari, MS Fall 2018, DGS, UT Austin
- Pedro Alejandro, MS, Spring 2018, DGS, UT Austin
- Debanjan Datta, PhD, fall 2017, DGS, UT Austin
- Han Liu (co-supervision with Kyle Spikes), Spring 2016, PhD, DGS, UT Austin
- M. Chauhan (co-supervision with Prof. Maurizio Fedi) , Fall 2017, PhD, University of Naples Federico, Italy.
- P. K. Mishra (co-supervision with Prof. S. K. Nath), Fall 2017, PhD, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India.
- Pan Bei, PhD Spring 2016, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Estimation of fluid factor in fractured media from multi-component seismic data (Exchange PhD Student)
- Qi Ren, PhD Spring 2016, UT-DGS, Seismogram synthesis, imaging, and rock physics for reservoir characterization
- Zeyu Zhao, PhD Spring 2016, UT-DGS, Double plane wave reverse time migration
- Biswajit Mandal, PhD Spring 2014, NGRI, India, Velocity-independent imaging of DSS data
- Yang Xue, PhD Fall 2013, UT-DGS, Seismic inversion for reservoir characterization and monitoring
- Kumar Das, MS Spring 2013, UT-DGS, Seismic inversion and estimation of hydrate saturation
- Mohammed Alhussain, PhD Spring 2013, UT-DGS, Overbuden removal and new AVOA method for fracture characterization
- Yi Tao, PhD Fall 2012, UT-DGS, Seismic interferometry and full waveform inversion in plane wave domain.
- Corey Joy, MS Summer 2011, UT-DGS, Effective medium modeling of carbon sequestered reservoirs.
- Son Phan, MS Spring 2011, UT-DGS, Uncertainty in reservoir parameter estimation,
- Ma Jitao, PhD Spring 2009, China University of Petroleum, Multiple attenuation in plane wave domain.
- Jonas De Basabe, PhD Spring 2009, Computational and Applied Math, Numerical Simulation of Elastic Wave Propagation
- Samik Sil, PhD Spring 2009, UT-DGS, Two-way travel time analysis for seismic reservoir characterization
- Tao Liu, Exchange PhD Student 2009, Beijing University, Dept of Geophysics, Hybrid finite difference-finite element of seismic wave propagation.
- Daniel Smith, MS Fall 2008, UT-DGS, Seismic Trace Regularization and Datuming
- Abdul Aziz Al-Aslani, MS Summer 2008, UT-DGS, Post-stack and pre-stack inversion for porosity estimation of carbonate reservoirs
- Tiancong Hong, PhD Summer 2008, UT-DGS, MCMC Algorithm, Integrated 4D Seismic Reservoir Characterization and Uncertainty Analysis in a Bayesian Framework
- Sanjay Sood, MS Fall 2007, UT-DGS, Estimation of Q from seismic refractions data
- Reeshidev Bansal, PhD Spring 2007, UT-DGS, Seismic Characterization of Naturally Fractured Rerservoirs
- Gregory Russell Young, MS Spring 2007, UT-DGS, Effective Porosity Estimation from 3D Seismic: Marco Polo Field
- Dhananjay Kumar, PhD Spring 2005, UT-DGS, Analysis of multicomponent seismic data from the Hydrate Ridge, offshore Oregon
- Jiao Xue, PhD (Visiting Student), China University of Geosciences, Anisotropy parameter estimation and inversion for reservoir characterization
- Adam Allan, BS Fall 2009 (Dec) Honors Program, DGS-UT (Undergraduate), Regularization methods
- Chandan Kumar, PhD Fall 2006, UT-DGS, Stress estimation from fault plane reflection coefficient,
- Joost Van der Noot, Exchange MS Student 2005, Applied Geophysics, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, Stress induced anisotropy
- Armando Sena, PhD Fall 2004 (Dec), UT-DGS, Imaging and analysis of GPR data
- Heidi Poot, Exchange PhD Student 2003, Applied Geophysics, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, Imaging methods for acoustical data.
- Chengshu Wang, PhD Summer 2003 (Aug), UT-DGS, Velocity estimation of gas hydrate.
- Gijs Meek, Exchange MS Student 2003, Mining Engr and Applied Geophysics, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, Integrated subsurface modelling,
- Anubrati Mukherjee, PhD Spring 2002 (May), UT-DGS, Seismic Processing in transversely isotropic media: A tau-p approach.
- Abdul-Aziz Saleh Alaslani, PhD Fall 2001 (Dec), UT-DGS, Developing, testing, and evaluating wave equation based multiple removal methods for marine seismic data.
- Saleh Mohammad Al-saleh, MS Summer 2001 (Aug), UT-DGS, Processing of ocean bottom cable data.
- Faqi Liu, PhD Summer 1999 (Aug), UT-DGS, Free surface multiple elimination operators and their applications.
- Mehmet Tanis, PhD Fall 1989 (Dec), UT-DGS, A Comparison of Migration Methods in Laterally Varying Media.
- Ganyuan Xia, PhD Summer 1997 (Aug), UT-DGS, Prestack Migration and Inversion.
- Carlos Calderon-Macias, PhD Summer 1997 (Aug), UT-DGS, Feedforward NN, Hopfield network and mean field annealing in seismic waveform inversion.
- Faruq Akbar, PhD Summer 1997 (Aug), UT-DGS, Three-dimensional prestack plane-wave Kirchhoff depth migration in laterally varying media.
- Eddy Luhurbudi, MA Spring 1997 (May), UT-DGS, Traveltime calculation in 3-D.
- Raghu Chunduru, PhD Spring 1996 (May), UT-DGS, Hybrid linear/nonlinear inversion of geophysical data.
- Setiyono Kriyanti, MS Fall 1996 (May), UT-DGS, Comparison of Multiple Elimination Methods