Once again, Jackson School of Geosciences students were among the top student presenters at the American Geophysical Union’s Fall Meeting. Although AGU’s 2021 Fall Meeting took place in December, the awards are announced throughout the spring semester. The winners are selected based on research quality and a student’s ability to effectively communicate their research. As of April… Continue Reading Jackson School Students Win AGU’s 2021 Outstanding Student Presentation Award
UTIG at AGU Fall Meeting 2021
Catch up with your colleagues. Find out whose doing what at AGU Fall with our (nearly) comprehensive schedule of talks and posters from current (and recent) UTIG research staff and students. Continue Reading UTIG at AGU Fall Meeting 2021
UTIG at AGU Fall Meeting 2020: Final Week
Week 3 December 14-17 Find week 1 and week 2 talks here. A weekly (incomplete) schedule of talks and posters by current (and recently former) UTIG staff and students. Notice something missing, get in touch! All times CST. Monday: Dec. 14 Eric Hiatt Groundwater filling times for large impact basins on early Mars and implications… Continue Reading UTIG at AGU Fall Meeting 2020: Final Week
UTIG at AGU Fall Meeting 2020
Weeks 1 and 2 December 3-11 Find week 3 talks here. A weekly (incomplete) schedule of talks and posters by current (and recently former) UTIG staff and students. Notice something missing, get in touch! All times CST. Thursday: Dec. 3 Pedro DiNezio(now at UC Boulder) 18:35 – 18:51 Improving predictions of Indian Ocean climate change… Continue Reading UTIG at AGU Fall Meeting 2020
Xian Wu Receives AGU’s Outstanding Student Presentation Award For El Niño Talk
Xian Wu, a graduate research assistant at the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics (UTIG) has received the Outstanding Student Presentation Award for a talk she gave at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting in December 2019. The award includes a certificate, $150 cash prize and complimentary tickets to a banquet during AGU’s next… Continue Reading Xian Wu Receives AGU’s Outstanding Student Presentation Award For El Niño Talk