Europa ICONS Undergrad Internship Opportunity

The new Inspiring Clipper: Opportunities for Next-generation Scientists (ICONS) internships will bring members of the Europa Clipper science team together with undergraduate students for a 10-week internship that gives students the opportunity to conduct original scientific research.
Interns will receive a $12,000 stipend for the duration of the program, and may be eligible for travel, housing, and relocation allowances, depending on the location of their research activities.
NASA STEM Kids: Voyage the Solar System Virtual Event

The NASA Glenn Research Center’s Office of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) NASA STEM Kids Virtual Events engage Kindergarten through fourth grade (K-4) students in the excitement of NASA’s missions of exploration and discovery through virtual tours, conversations with NASA experts, and hands-on activities.
In the Voyaging the Solar System session students and their family members will:
• Take a voyage through our solar system
• Get to know more about your favorite planets, moons, stars, etc.
• Learn about some of the NASA missions exploring deep space
• Design and build your own comet on a stick and much more!
Voyaging the Solar System (K-4) Key Dates:
Registration Closes: February 28, 2025
Virtual Event Date: Saturday, March 8, 2025: 10 – 11:30 a.m. ET
RockOn 2025 Student Launch Opportunity Due Friday

RockOn! is a hands-on workshop teaching participants how to create a sounding rocket experiment from scratch over a 5-day period and then launching it into space on the 6th day of the workshop. This is a team experience and takes place at Wallops.
The workshop is designed for college students and faculty. There are no prerequisites for participants. Anything needed to be successful at the workshop will be taught at the workshop. The workshop is expected to take place from June 20– 25, 2025 with launch expected on June 26, 2025.
NASA Summer 2025 Internship Applications Close Soon

NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM) paid internships allow high school and college-level students to contribute to the agency’s mission to advance science, technology, aeronautics, and space exploration.
OSTEM internships offer students an opportunity to gain practical work experience while working side-by-side with mentors who are research scientists, engineers, and individuals from many other professions. Internships may be full time or part time on a NASA center or facility.
2025 Internship Application Deadlines:
Summer 2025: Feb. 28, 2025
Fall 2025: May 16, 2025
Design Challenge Teams Announced

TSGC is happy to announce its 2025 Spring Design Challenge cohort! This Spring, TSGC welcomes the largest Design Challenge program yet with 26 teams from across the state of Texas. Representing 13 institutions of higher education, the student teams will begin their research to present at the Spring Showcase in April.
Congratulations to the 26 teams! They are as follows:
Houston Community College, NYAE (Not Your Average Engineer)
Lone Star College, Hyperion
Prairie View A&M University, Astropanthers
Prairie View A&M University, PantherTech
Rice University, Artemis Owls
San Jacinto College, Space Rats
San Jacinto College North, 13 Characters
Tarleton State University, RELLIS Rovers
Texas A&M University, Daedalus
Texas A&M University, Hephaestus
Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Interstellar Corporation
Texas State University, RadCat Sentinels
Texas State University, Lights, Camera, Bobcats!
Texas State University, Effectively Grounded!
Texas Woman’s University, Pleiades
University of Houston Clear Lake, NOVA
University of Houston Clear Lake, Menteluminosa
University of Houston Clear Lake, Space Cowboys
University of Houston Clear Lake, Astro Apollo
University of Houston Clear Lake, The Backyardigans
The University of Texas at Austin, Lunatics
The University of Texas at Austin, Lunar Longhorns
The University of Texas at Austin, Sidekick
The University of Texas at Austin, Crater

FEB 5, 1971
Astronauts Alan Shepard and Ed Mitchell landed the Apollo 14 Lunar Module in the Moon’s Frau Mauro highlands. Six hours later, they would set off on their first of 2 moonwalks, becoming the 5th and 6th humans to set foot on the Moon.
FEB 10, 1976
Pioneer 10 becomes the first spacecraft to ever cross Saturn’s orbit. On the way, it recorded data indicating that Jupiter’s enormous magnetic tail, almost 800 million kilometers long, covered the whole distance between Jupiter and Saturn.
FEB 16, 1948
Miranda was discovered in telescopic photos of the Uranian system by Gerard P. Kuiper at the McDonald Observatory in western Texas. It was the last moon of Uranus to be discovered prior to Voyager 2’s visit in 1986.
FEB 20, 1962
Astronaut John H. Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth during the three-orbit Mercury-Atlas 6 mission, aboard the spacecraft he named Friendship 7.