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Recent Publications
Snedden, J.W., Rowan, M.G., Stockli, D.F., Albertson, M.,& Pasley, J. (2024). Reconstructing the Zama (Mexico) discovery source to sink palaeogeography, Part II: Sediment routing from the Late Miocene shelf‐margin to deepwater basin. Basin Research, 00, e12849
Snedden, J.W., Lowery, C.M., and Lawton, T.F., accepted, The End of the Cretaceous: Depositional paleogeographic reconstruction of the Gulf of Mexico and adjacent areas just prior to the Chicxulub impact. Cretaceous 200, Volume Two, M. Hart ed., Geological Society of London Special Publication.
Stockli, D.F., Snedden, J. W., Albertson, M., and Pasley, J., in review, Reconstructing the Zama (Mexico) Discovery Source to Sink Story, Part I; Detrital Zircon U-Pb and (U-Th)/He Provenance Analysis and Implications for Sediment Source Terranes: Basin Research.
Snedden, J. W., Hull, H. L., Whiteaker, T. L., Virdell, J. W., & Ross, C. H. , 2022, Late Mesozoic sandstone volumes recorded in Gulf of Mexico subsurface depocentres: Deciphering long-term sediment supply trends and contributions by paleo river systems. Basin Research, 34 1269-1291. bre.12659
Sweet, M. L., Purkey Phillips, M., Cunningham, R., Snedden, J. W., and Weber, R. 2022, The early Cretaceous transition from carbonate to siliciclastic deposition in the deepwater of the Northern Gulf of Mexico: New insights from the Keathley Canyon 102#1 well. GCAGS Journal,11,58–70.
Cunningham, R., Phillips, M.P., Snedden, J.W., Norton, I.O., Lowery, C.M.,Virdell, J.W., Barrie, C.D., Avery, A., 2022, Productivity and organic carbon trends through the Wilcox Group in the deep Gulf of Mexico: Evidence for ventilation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 140, 22 pp. doi:
Sweet, M.L., Phillips, M.P., Cunningham, R. , Snedden, J.W. , and Weber, R. ,2022, The Early Cretaceous transition from carbonate to siliciclastic deposition in the deep waters of the Northern Gulf of Mexico: New Insights from the Keathley Canyon 102# 1 Well, l, v. 11 (2022), p. 58–70,
Filina, I. Irina Filina, James Austin, Tony Doré, Elizabeth Johnson, Daniel Minguez, Ian Norton, John Snedden, Robert J. Stern., 2021, Opening of the Gulf of Mexico: What we know, what questions remain, and how we might answer them, Tectonophysics, v. 822,
Xu, J. John W. Snedden, Craig S. Fulthorpe, Daniel F. Stockli, William E. Galloway, and Zachary T. Sickmann, 2021, Quantifying the relative contributions of Miocene rivers to the deep Gulf of Mexico using detrital zircon geochronology: implications for the evolution of Gulf Basin circulation and regional drainage: Basin Research. DOI:10.1111/bre.12633.
Apango, F., J. W. Snedden, H. Daigle, and I. A. Yurchenko 2021, Analysis of hydrocarbon under-filled and water-filled Miocene deepwater reservoirs, eastern Mexico offshore Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 131, 16 p. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105158.
Gutierrez, M. A., Snedden, J.W., 2021, Integrated characterization and failure mechanism for a mid-Pleistocene mass transport complex-dominant interval in the Mars Ursa Basin, northern Gulf of Mexico, USA: Interpretation v. 9, p. 1–22,
Sickmann, Z. T., and J. W. Snedden, 2021, Neogene to recent evolution of the Southern Gulf of Mexico basin: Tectonic controls on deep-water sediment dispersal systems: Basin Research, v. 33, DOI: 10.1111/bre.12512.
New Orleans Geological Society, Snedden et al., The northern Gulf of Mexico offshore super basin: Reservoirs, source rocks, seals, traps, and successes. May 2021 Monthly meeting
East Texas Geological Society; Snedden et al., The northern Gulf of Mexico offshore super basin: Reservoirs, source rocks, seals, traps, and successes. January 2021 Monthly meeting
Sweet, M.L., Gaillot, G.T., Rittenour, T.M., Love, K., and Blum, M.D., 2021, How fast do submarine fans grow? Insights from the Quaternary Golo fans, offshore Corsica, v. 49, p. 1204–1208,
Sweet, M. L., J. W. Snedden, M. Purkey, and R. Weber, 2021, Tiber Deep (Keathley Canyon 102): New insights into Upper Cretaceous deepwater plays in the northern Gulf of Mexico, part 1: Lithofacies and reservoir quality trends: GeoGulf Transactions, v. 71, p. 289–297,
Gaillot, G.T., Sweet, M.L., and Santra, M., 2021, Deep-water deposits of the Eocene Tyee Formation, Oregon, in Booth, A.M., and Grunder, A.L., eds., From Terranes to Terrains: Geologic Field Guides on the Construction and Destruction of the Pacific Northwest: Geological Society of America Field Guide 62, p. 19–48,
Snedden, J. W., D. F. Stockli, and I. O. Norton, 2020, Palaeogeographical reconstruction and provenance of Oxfordian aeolian sandstone reservoirs in Mexico offshore areas: Comparison to the Norphlet aeolian system of the northern Gulf of Mexico, in I. Davison, J. N. F. Hull, and J. Pindell, eds., The basins, orogens and evolution of the southern Gulf of Mexico and northern Caribbean: Geological Society, London, Special Publications 2020, v. 504, 21 p., doi:10.1144/SP504-2019-219.
Snedden, J. W., R. C., Cunningham, and J. W. Virdell, 2020, The northern Gulf of Mexico offshore super basin: Reservoirs, source rocks, seals, traps, and successes: The American Association of Petroleum Geologist Bulletin, v. 104, p. 2603-2642.
Potential New Play Opening, Well Being Drilled in Mississippi Canyon John Snedden , AAPG Explorer, October 2020.
The Paleogene (Wilcox) Deepwater Play: Eureka moment or natural evolution of exploration results and scientific understanding?| John Snedden , William Galloway , Robert Cunningham , Marcie Phillips , Ian Norton , and Paul Weimer. AAPG Explorer, May 2020.
Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists, December 2020 Monthly Meeting: Snedden et al., The northern Gulf of Mexico offshore super basin: Reservoirs, source rocks, seals, traps, and successes.
AAPG Mexican Basins Research Symposium, November 2020, Keynote address: Snedden et al., The Importance of Regional to Basin-scale Paleogeographic Reconstructions for Exploration in Offshore Mexican Basins.
Sweet, M.L., Gaillot, G.T., Jouet, G., Rittenour, T.M., Toucanne, S., Marsset, T., and Blum, M.D.,2020,Sediment routing from shelf to basin floor in the Quaternary Golo System of Eastern Corsica, France, western Mediterranean Sea, v. 132; no. 5/6; p. 1217–1234,
Sweet, M., 2020. Controls on the Grain Size of Sediment Routed to Deep Water: Insights from Quaternary Systems, in J. R. Rotzien, ed., Research Insights: Houston, Texas, Reservoirs, Basin Dynamics Special Publication, v. 2, no. 4, p. 1–13,
Snedden, J. W., and W. E. Galloway, 2019, The Gulf of Mexico Sedimentary Basin: Depositional Evolution and Practical Applications: Cambridge, United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press, 344 p., doi:10.1017/9781108292795.
Snedden, J. W., Norton, I. O., Hudec, M. R., and Peel, Frank. 2019b. Paleogeographic Reconstruction of the Louann Salt Basin. In Proc., GCSSEPM Foundation 37th Annual Perkins-Rosen Research Conference, December 3-6, Houston, Texas, p. 24-27.
White, C. J., J. W. Snedden, and J. Virdell, 2019, Calibrated seismic stratigraphic analysis of the Lavaca/Yoakum Canyon complex, South Texas, U.S.A.: GCAGS Journal, v. 8, p. 210–230.
London Geological Society, May 2019, Snedden et al., Palaeogeographical reconstruction and provenance of Oxfordian aeolian sandstone reservoirs in Mexico offshore areas
Gong, C., Steel, R.J., Wang, Y., Sweet, M.L., Xian, B., Xu, Q., and Zhang, B., 2019, Shelf-edge delta overreach at the shelf break can guarantee the delivery of terrestrial sediments to deep water at all sea-level stands, v. 103, no. 1 (January 2019), pp. 65–90, DOI: 10.1306/0511181617117230
Snedden, J.W., Tinker, L.D., and J. Virdell, 2018, Southern Gulf of Mexico Wilcox Source-to-Sink: Investigating and Predicting Paleogene Wilcox Reservoirs in Eastern Mexico Deep-water Areas; AAPG Bulletin, v.102 (10) p.2045-2074.
Snedden, J.W., Galloway, W.E., Milliken, K.T., Xu, J., Whiteaker, T., and Blum, M.D., 2018,
Validation of empirical source-to-sink scaling relationships in a continental-scale system: The Gulf of Mexico basin Cenozoic record: Geosphere, v. 14, no. 2, p. 1–17, doi:10.1130/GES01452.1.
Milliken, K.T., Blum, M.D., Snedden, J.W., and Galloway, W.E., 2018, Application of fluvial scaling relationships to reconstruct drainage-basin evolution and sediment routing for the Cretaceous and Paleocene of the Gulf of Mexico: Geosphere, v. 14, no. 2, p. 1–19, doi:10.1130/GES01374.1.
Pellegrini, C., Asioli, A., Bohacs, K.M., Drexler, T.M., Feldman, H.R., Sweet, M.L., Masseli, V., Rovere, M., Gamberi, F., Dalla Valle, G., and Trincardi, F., 2018, The Late Pleistocene Po River lowstand wedge in the Adriatic Sea: Controls on architecture variability and sediment partitioning, v. 96 (2018),pp. 16–50,
Lowery, C. M., Cunningham, R., Barrie, C. D., Bralower, T., & Snedden, J. W., 2017, The northern Gulf of Mexico during OAE2 and the relationship between water depth and black shale development. Paleoceanography, 32, 1316–1335.
Xu, J., Stockli, D.F., and Snedden, J.W., 2017, Enhanced provenance interpretation using combined U–Pb and (U–Th)/He double dating of detrital zircon grains from lower Miocene strata, proximal Gulf of Mexico Basin, North America: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 475, p. 44–57.
Xu, J., Snedden, J.W. Stockli, D.F., Fulthorpe, C.S., and W. E. Galloway, 2017, Early Miocene continental-scale sediment supply to the Gulf of Mexico Basin based on detrital zircon analysis: Geological Society of America Bulletin, 129, 3-22. doi: 10.1130/B31465.1;
Blum, M.D., Milliken, K.T., Pecha, M.A., Snedden, J.W., Frederick, B.C., and Galloway, W.E., 2017, Detrital-zircon records of Cenomanian, Paleocene, and Oligocene Gulf of Mexico drainage integration and sediment routing: Implications for scales of basin-floor fans: Geosphere, v. 13, no. 6, p. 1– 37, doi:10.1130/GES01410.1.
Kinsland, G. L., K. Shellhouse, E. Muchiri, J. W. Snedden, and J. W. Virdell, 2017, Midway Shale: Post-Cretaceous /Paleogene boundary deposition: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 67, p. 177–185.
Snedden, J.W., Bovay, A.C., and Xu, J., 2016, New Models of Early Cretaceous Source-to-Sink Pathways in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico: In Lowery, C.M., Snedden, J.W., and Blum, M.D., editors, Mesozoic of the Gulf Rim and Beyond: New Progress in Science and Exploration of the Gulf of Mexico Basin: Perkins Rosen Research Conference paper for GCS-SEPM, p. 380-415.
Sweet, M.L. and Blum, M.D., 2016, Connections Between Fluvial To Shallow Marine Environments and Submarine Canyons: Implications For Sediment Transfer To Deep Water, v. 86, 1147–1162,
Snedden, J.W., J. Virdell, T. L. Whiteaker, and P. Ganey-Curry, 2016, A Basin-scale perspective on Cenomanian-Turonian (Cretaceous) Depositional Systems, Greater Gulf of Mexico (USA): Interpretation, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 1-22.
Xu, J., Snedden, J.W., Galloway, W.E., Milliken, K.T.,and M.D. Blum, 2016, Channel-belt scaling relationship and application to early Miocene source-to-sink systems in the Gulf of Mexico basin: Geosphere, v. 13, mo. 1, p. 179-200.
Sanford, J. C., J. W. Snedden, and S. P. S. Gulick, 2016, The Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary deposit in the Gulf of Mexico: Large-scale oceanic basin response to the Chicxulub impact, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 121, doi:10.1002/2015JB012615.
Herron, D., J. Snedden, S. Mentemeier, N. Evans, and K. Tindale, 2016, Introduction to special section: The Gulf of Mexico — Regional studies, play concepts, recent developments, and case histories: Interpretation, 4(1), SCi-SCii. doi: 10.1190/INT-2016-0104-SPSEINTRO.1
Umbarger, K. F., and J. W. Snedden, 2016, Delineation of post-KPg carbonate slope deposits as a sedimentary record of the Paleogene linkage of De Soto Canyon and Suwannee Strait, northern Gulf of Mexico: Interpretation, 4(1), SC51-SC61. doi: 10.1190/INT-2015-0086.1
Cunningham, R., J. W. Snedden, I. O. Norton, H. C. Olson, T. L. Whitaker, and J. W. Virdell, 2016, Upper Jurassic Tithonian-centered source mapping in the deepwater northern Gulf of Mexico: Interpretation, 4(1), SC97-SC123. doi: 10.1190/INT-2015-0093.1
Kinsland, G. L., and J. W. Snedden, 2016, Comparison of a portion of the K/Pg boundary deposits in two locations: Webb County, Texas, and LaSalle Parish, Louisiana: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 66, p. 789–797.
Norton, I. O., Lawver, L. A., & Snedden, J. W., 2016, Gulf of Mexico Tectonic Evolution from Mexico Deformation to Oceanic Crust. In Mesozoic of the Gulf Rim and Beyond: New Progress in Science and Exploration of the Gulf of Mexico Basin, Lowery, C. M., Snedden, J. W., Rosen, N. C. Pindell, J., & Kennan, L. (2001). Processes & Events in the Terrane Assembly of Trinidad and E. Venezuela. In Petroleum systems of deep-water basins: global and Gulf of Mexico experience: GCSSEPM Foundation, 21st Annual Research Conference, Transactions (pp. 159-192).
Snedden, J. W., and de la Roche, L., 2016, Source to Sink Predictions for the Prediction of deep-water submarine location: application to the Paleogene Wilcox of USA and Mexico: Houston Geological Society, International Group, HGS Bulletin
Olson, H.C., Snedden, J.W., and Cunningham, R., 2015, Development and application of a robust chronostratigraphic framework in Gulf of Mexico Mesozoic exploration: Interpretation, Vol. 3, No. 2 (May 2015); p. 1–20.
Dashtgard , S.E., J. W. Snedden , and J. A. MacEachern, 2015, Unbioturbated sediments on a muddy shelf: Hypoxia or simply reduced oxygen saturation?: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology v. 425, p. 128–138.
Snedden, J. W., Galloway, W. E., Milliken, K. and M. D. Blum, 2015, Validation of empirical source to sink scaling relationships in a large hydrocarbon-rich basin: Gulf of Mexico Cenozoic Deepwater Fan Systems: AAPG Annual Meeting, Denver CO.
Snedden, J. W., Galloway, W. E., Milliken, K., Blum, M. D., Ganey-Curry, P., and de La Rocha, L., 2015, Source to sink scaling predictions for Cenozoic submarine fan systems in Mexico deepwater: Congreso Petroleo Mexicano, Guadalajara, Mexico, June, 2015.
Xu, J., Snedden, J., Fulthorpe, C., and Stockli, D., 2015, Provenance of the lower Miocene interval in the northern Gulf of Mexico Basin: insights from detrital zircon U-Pb and (U-Th)/He double dating: AAPG AAPG Annual Meeting, Denver CO.
Snedden, J.W., I. O. Norton, G. L. Christeson, and J. C. Sanford, 2014, Interaction of deepwater deposition and a mid-ocean spreading center, eastern Gulf of Mexico basin, USA, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 64, p. 371–383.
Snedden, J. W. 2014, Estimating effective shale area distributions from subsurface data: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 49C, p. 35-44 (online from Sept. 2013). DOI information: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2013.09.006
Christeson, G.L., H.J.A. Van Avendonk, I.O. Norton, J.W. Snedden, D.R. Eddy, 2014, Deep Crustal Structure in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119, DOI:10.1002/2014JB011045.
Eddy, D. H. J. A. Van Avendonk, G. L. Christeson, I. O. Norton, G. D. Karner, C. A. Johnson, and J. W. Snedden, 2014, Deep crustal structure of the northeastern Gulf of Mexico: Implications for rift evolution and seafloor spreading, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 119, DOI:10.1002/2014JB011311.
Fulthorpe, C.S., Galloway, W.E., Snedden, J.W., Ganey-Curry, P.E., & Whiteaker, T.L. (2014). New Insights into Cenozoic Depositional Systems of the Gulf of Mexico Basin: GCAGS Transactions, 64, 119-129. 6b5fdb81c544fbde2f28af1825d55c54430adda3
Snedden, J.W., I. O. Norton, G. L. Christeson, and J. C. Sanford, 2014, Interaction of deepwater deposition and a mid-ocean spreading center, eastern Gulf of Mexico basin, USA, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Convention, Lafayette, LA.
Bovay, A. C., Snedden, J. W. Steel, R. J., and P. E. Ganey-Curry, 2014, New Models of Valanginian Source-to-Sink Pathways in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico: Extended Abstract, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions Vol. 64 (2014), Pages 507-509.
Xu, J., Snedden, J., Fulthorpe, C., and Stockli, D., 2014, A continental provenance shift of Lower Miocene formation in the Gulf of Mexico Basin: insight from detrital zircon geochronology: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting.
Snedden, J., 2014, The Gulf of Mexico Basin: New Science and Emerging/Re-emerging Deepwater Plays: 5th Annual AAPG-SPE Deepwater Reservoirs Geoscience Technology Workshop, Houston, Texas; presentation accepted.
Snedden et al., 2014, The Cenomanian Conundrum: Deepwater System of the deep Gulf of Mexico: AAPG Houston 2014, presentation accepted.
Snedden, J., 2014, The Gulf of Mexico: a natural laboratory of sedimentary processes: GCAGS Luncheon speaker, October 2014.
Xu, J., Snedden, J.W., Stockli, D.F., and C.S. Fulthorpe, 2014, Provenance changes from late Paleocene to Miocene in Texas: evidence from detrital zircon U-Pb dating: Gulf Coast Section SEPM, Annual Conference (abst.). paper accepted.
Snedden, J. W. 2013, Channel-body basal scours: observations from 3D seismic and importance for subsurface reservoir connectivity: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 39, p. 150-163. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2012.08.013
Snedden, J.W., 2013, Rejuvenation of the Mesozoic in the Gulf of Mexico Basin: onshore to offshore comparisons: Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists, Austin, Texas, December monthly meeting.
Snedden, John W.; Galloway, William E.; Fulthorpe, Craig; Ganey-Curry, Patricia E.; Xu, Jie; Sanford, Jason C.; Norton, Ian; Whiteaker, Timothy L.; Olson, Hilary C.; Cunningham, Robert; 2013, The Gulf of Mexico Basin: A Natural Laboratory of Sedimentary Processes, New and Evolving Exploration Plays, and New Insights on the Mesozoic Framework: AAPG Search and Discovery Article #2013AAPG 2013 Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 19-22, 2013 (abst.)
Snedden, John W., 2013, The Miocene Tipping Point: Triggers for Rivers, Deltas, Deepwater Fans, and an Exceptional Global Hydrocarbon Endowment: AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90163 © 2013AAPG 2013 Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 19-22, 2013 (abst.).
Snedden, J., G. Christeson, D. Eddy, P. Ganey-Curry, I. Norton, H. Olson, and H. van Avendonk, 2013, A New Temporal Model for Eastern Gulf of Mexico Mesozoic Deposition, AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90167©2013 GCAGS and GCSSEPM 63rd Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 6-8, 2013 (expanded abst.).
Van Avendonk, H. J.; Eddy, D. R.; Christeson, G., Norton, I.; Karner, G.; Johnson, C.; Kneller, E.; Snedden, J. W., 2013, Structure and Early Evolution of the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico: New Constraints from Marine Seismic Refraction Data, by # AAPG Search and Discovery Article 2013 AAPG 2013 Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 19-22, 2013 (abst.).
Eddy, D.; Christeson, G.; van Avendonk, H.; Norton, I.; Karner, G.; Johnson, C.; Kneller, E.; Snedden, J., 2013, Seismic Refraction Profiles Indicate a History of Syn-Rift Volcanism and Seafloor-Spreading in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 19-22, 2013 (abst.).
Christeson, G., Eddy, D., Van Avendonk, H., Norton, I.; Karner, G.; Johnson, C.; Kneller, E.; Snedden, J., 2013, Deep crustal structure, northeastern Gulf of Mexico: American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. (abst.).
Christeson, G., Eddy, D., Van Avendonk, H., Norton, I.; Karner, G.; Johnson, C.; Kneller, E.; Snedden, J., 2013, Rift to drift in the Gulf of Mexico: evidence for syn-rift volcanism and seafloor spreading from marine seismic refraction data: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. (abst.)
Snedden, J.W., 2013, The Gulf of Mexico Basin: a natural laboratory of sedimentary processes: Dallas Geological Society, January, monthly meeting.
Sanford, J.C., Snedden, J. W., and Gulick, S.P., 2013, The Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary Unit, Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico: Character, Distribution, and Relation to the Chicxulub Impact, by AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90163© AAPG 2013 Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 19-22, 2013.
Sanford, J.C., Gulick, S.P., Snedden, J.W., 2013, The Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary unit in the Gulf of Mexico: Large-scale oceanic basin response to the Chicxulub impact: American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. (abst.).
Xu, J. Fulthorpe, C., and Snedden, J., 2013, Provenance and Depositional System Reconstruction in the Lower Miocene of the Gulf of Mexico: AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90167© 2013 GCAGS and GCSSEPM 63rd Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 6-8, 2013.
Feldman, H., Adereti, O., Ahmed, B., Ajibola, O., Alalade, B., Lopez, C., Sweet, M., Tsakma, J., Unomah, G., and Farre, J., 2013, Predicting Large-scale Reservoir Architecture: Application of Data from Shelf Edge Reservoirs in The Eastern Niger Delta, v. 25, no. 1 (April 2013), pp. 52-60,
Snedden, J. W., W. E. Galloway, T. L. Whiteaker and P. E. Ganey-Curry, 2012, Eastward shift of deep-water fan axes during the Miocene in the Gulf of Mexico: possible causes and models: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies GCAGS Journal, vol. 1, p. 131-144.
Snedden, J.W., R. W. Tillman, and S. J. Culver , 2012, Genesis and Evolution of a Mid-shelf, Storm-built Sand Ridge, New Jersey Continental Shelf, USA: AAPG Long Beach, 25 April 2012 (abstract)
Snedden, J. W., H. C. Olson, and Chengjie Liu, 2012, The importance of time and time scales in sequence stratigraphy: application of a chronostratigraphic designation system for Phanerozoic depositional sequences: Keynote paper for T-163 Geologic Timescale – current status, future enhancement and applications, GSA Charlotte (abst.).
Snedden, J.W., R. W. Tillman, and S. J. Culver, 2012, Genesis and Evolution of a Mid-shelf, Storm-built Sand Ridge, New Jersey Continental Shelf, USA: American Geophyiscal Union Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA, Paper OS44A-03 (abstract).
Snedden, J.W., H. C. Olson, and Chengjie Liu, 2012, The Importance of Time and Time scales in Sequence Stratigraphy: application of a chronostratigraphic designation system for Phanerozoic depositional sequences: Keynote paper for T-163 Geologic Timescale – current status, future enhancement and applications, GSA Charlotte, November, 2012.
Kainkaryam, S.M., Ogg., J.G., Chunduru, N. V., Waterman, A., and J. W. Snedden, 2012, Using biostratigraphy to interpret sea level variations-a student exercise: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC. (abst.).
Santra, M., Steel, R.J., Olariu, C., Sweet, M.L., 2013, Stages of sedimentary prism development on a convergent margin — Eocene Tyee Forearc Basin, Coast Range, Oregon, USA, v. 103 (2013), pp. 207-231,
Snedden, J. W. and C. Liu, 2011, Recommendations for a uniform chronostratigraphic designation system for Phanerozoic depositional sequences: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 95, no. 7, p. 1095-1122.
Snedden, J. W., Tillman, R. W., and S. J. Culver, 2011, Genesis and evolution of a mid-shelf, storm-built sand ridge, New Jersey Continental Shelf, U.S.A.: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 81, p. 534-552.
Sweet, M. L., and M. D. Blum, 2011, Paleocene-Eocene Wilcox submarine canyons and thick deepwater sands of the Gulf of Mexico: Very large systems in a greenhouse world, not a Messinian-like crisis: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 61, p. 443–450,
Snedden, J. W., and H. R. Feldman, 2010, Deltaic seismic facies analysis, Lagnaippe delta: in, Abreu, V., Neal, J., K. Bohacs, and J. L Kalbas, eds., Sequence Stratigraphy of Siliciclastic Systems –The ExxonMobil Methodology: SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology #9.
Snedden, J. W. and C. Liu, 2010, A Compilation of Phanerozoic Sea-Level Change, Coastal Onlaps and Recommended Sequence Designations: Search and Discovery Article #40594,
aphical reconstruction of the Gulf of Mexico and adjacent areas just prior to the Chicxulub impact, in, Hart, M. B., Batenburg, S. J., Huber, B. T., Price, G. D., Thibault, N., Wagreich, M. and Walaszczyk, I. (eds)Cretaceous Project 200 Volume 2: Regional Studies. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 545,
Stockli, D.F., Snedden, J.W., Lawton, T.F., Albertston, M., and Pasley, J, 2024, Reconstructing the Zama (Mexico) discovery source to sink story, Part I; detrital zircon U–Pb and (U‐Th)/He provenance analysis and implications for sediment source terranes; Basin Research, v.36,
Snedden, J.W., Rowan, M.G., Stockli, D.F., Lawton, T.F., Albertston, M., and Pasley, J., 2024, Reconstructing the Zama (Mexico) discovery source to sink palaeogeography, Part II: Sediment routing from the Late Miocene shelf‐margin to deepwater basin, Basin Research, v.36
Curry, M.E., Hudec, M.R., Peel, F.J., Fernandez, N., Apps, G., and Snedden , J. W., 2024, Structural Restorations of the Complete Conjugate US-Mexico Eastern Gulf of Mexico Margin, Tectonics, v. 43, e2023TC00789
Snedden, J.W., Hull, H.L., Whiteaker, T. L., Virdell, J. W. and Ross, C.H., 2022, Late Mesozoic sandstone volumes recorded in Gulf of Mexico subsurface depocentres: Deciphering long‐term sediment supply trends and contributions by paleo river system, Basin Research, v.34, p. 1269 – 1291.
Cunningham, R., Purkey Phillips, M., Snedden, J.W., Norton, I.O., Lowery, C.M., Virdell, J.W., Barrie, C.D., and Avery, A, 2022, Productivity and organic carbon trends through the Wilcox Group in the deep Gulf of Mexico: Evidence for ventilation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 140, 105634,
Xu, J., Snedden, J.W., Fulthorpe, C., S., Stockli, D.F., Galloway, W.E., and Sickman, Z.T., 2022, Quantifying the relative contributions of Miocene rivers to the deep Gulf of Mexico using detrital zircon geochronology: Implications for the evolution of Gulf Basin circulation and regional drainage, Basin Research, v.34, p. 1143 – 1163
Filina,I., Austin, J., Doré, T., Johnson, E., Minguez, D., Norton, I. Snedden, J., Stern, R.J., 2022, Opening of the Gulf of Mexico: What we know, what questions remain, and how we might answer them, Tectonophysics, v. 822,
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