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Recent Publications
Snedden, J.W. ,Lowery, C.M. and Lawton, T.F., 2024, The end of the Cretaceous: depositional palaeogeographical reconstruction of the Gulf of Mexico and adjacent areas just prior to the Chicxulub impact, in, Hart, M. B., Batenburg, S. J., Huber, B. T., Price, G. D., Thibault, N., Wagreich, M. and Walaszczyk, I. (eds)Cretaceous Project 200 Volume 2: Regional Studies. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 545,
Stockli, D.F., Snedden, J.W., Lawton, T.F., Albertston, M., and Pasley, J, 2024, Reconstructing the Zama (Mexico) discovery source to sink story, Part I; detrital zircon U–Pb and (U‐Th)/He provenance analysis and implications for sediment source terranes; Basin Research, v.36,
Snedden, J.W., Rowan, M.G., Stockli, D.F., Lawton, T.F., Albertston, M., and Pasley, J., 2024, Reconstructing the Zama (Mexico) discovery source to sink palaeogeography, Part II: Sediment routing from the Late Miocene shelf‐margin to deepwater basin, Basin Research, v.36
Curry, M.E., Hudec, M.R., Peel, F.J., Fernandez, N., Apps, G., and Snedden , J. W., 2024, Structural Restorations of the Complete Conjugate US-Mexico Eastern Gulf of Mexico Margin, Tectonics, v. 43, e2023TC00789
Snedden, J.W., Hull, H.L., Whiteaker, T. L., Virdell, J. W. and Ross, C.H., 2022, Late Mesozoic sandstone volumes recorded in Gulf of Mexico subsurface depocentres: Deciphering long‐term sediment supply trends and contributions by paleo river system, Basin Research, v.34, p. 1269 – 1291.
Cunningham, R., Purkey Phillips, M., Snedden, J.W., Norton, I.O., Lowery, C.M., Virdell, J.W., Barrie, C.D., and Avery, A, 2022, Productivity and organic carbon trends through the Wilcox Group in the deep Gulf of Mexico: Evidence for ventilation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 140, 105634,
Xu, J., Snedden, J.W., Fulthorpe, C., S., Stockli, D.F., Galloway, W.E., and Sickman, Z.T., 2022, Quantifying the relative contributions of Miocene rivers to the deep Gulf of Mexico using detrital zircon geochronology: Implications for the evolution of Gulf Basin circulation and regional drainage, Basin Research, v.34, p. 1143 – 1163
Filina,I., Austin, J., Doré, T., Johnson, E., Minguez, D., Norton, I. Snedden, J., Stern, R.J., 2022, Opening of the Gulf of Mexico: What we know, what questions remain, and how we might answer them, Tectonophysics, v. 822,
Sweet, M.L., Purkey, M., Snedden, J. W., and Weber, R., 2022, Early Cretaceous Transition from Carbonate to Siliciclastic Deposition in the Deep Waters of the Northern Gulf of Mexico: New Insights from the Keathley Canyon 102 #1 well: GCAGS, Bulletin, v. 11, p. 58 -70.