In summer 2024, a Greenland expedition led by the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics dove into an undiscovered frontier in search of answers about future sea level rise BY CONSTANTINO PANAGOPULOS On the far western edge of Greenland’s ice sheet, a large glacier leads to the sea, where it breaks against the water like… Continue Reading Into the Glacial Abyss
Field Blog: Studying the Blake Plateau
An ocean research cruise led by the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics is off the coast of Florida surveying the tectonics and movement of the crust hundreds of feet beneath the ocean floor. Follow the expedition’s blog as they look for clues to the break-up of Earth’s last supercontinent Pangea, and how that massive event shaped the magmatic activity below the crust today… Continue Reading Field Blog: Studying the Blake Plateau
Progress from Delay
By Monica Kortsha Over the past four days at sea, the science team has faced the following issues: Thankfully, each obstacle has been overcome to different degrees. Pressure readings aren’t available but a probe on the coring tool is taking temperatures. The pressure-valve sealed on the second attempt, capturing a beautiful pressurized core sample, which… Continue Reading Progress from Delay
The Stuff of Life at Sea
By Monica Kortsha The mission to recover methane hydrates has scientists set on recovering core samples of the substance from over 1,000 feet beneath the seafloor. To actually reach these samples requires the science team to live and work aboard a specialized vessel named Helix Q4000. I took the helicopter out to the Q4000 on… Continue Reading The Stuff of Life at Sea
Extended Field Course Helps Students Gain New Insights into Texas Coastal Geology
In May, the Jackson School of Geosciences’ Marine Geology and Geophysics Field Course travelled to Port Aransas to gather data on coastal processes in and around Corpus Christi Bay. The class included several field course firsts, including use of a landing craft for deploying instruments in the bay’s shallows, a LIDAR-equipped drone, and extra days… Continue Reading Extended Field Course Helps Students Gain New Insights into Texas Coastal Geology
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