A special event celebrating 50 years of global leadership in geophysical research and discovery.

The program featured a history of UTIG presented by senior research scientists, Jamie Austin and Ian Dalziel, and short science talks that highlighted a new generation of geophysical researchers. The symposium concluded with a student poster session and reception.
UTIG Seminar Room, ROC 1.603
Director’s Welcome and Opening Remarks
UTIG@50: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?
New and Emerging Science Directions: Highlights from our Research Staff
Advanced Marine Electromagnetic Systems and Modeling Techniques to Image Earth in High Resolution
Methane Hydrates at the University of Texas: Expeditions & Geo-material Behavior
From the Bed of Greenland to the Future of Geoscience: New Insights from Forgotten Archives
UTIG Lobby, First Floor ROC
4:00 — 6:00
Reception & Graduate Student Poster Session
Graduate Student Posters
Carson Miller
Identifying Paleo-Barrier Island Deposits to Understand Drowning and Preservation Potential
Simone Puel
An Adjoint-Based Optimization Method to Infer Coseismic Slip and Heterogeneous Material Properties from Earthquake Surface Deformation Data
Ethan Conrad
Deformation and Exhumation at Oblique Margins: A Study of the Northern Caribbean Plate Boundary In The Dominican Republic, Hispaniola
Mikayla Pascual
Seasonality with a Chance of Retreat: Quantifying the Impact of Seasonal Forcings on the Timing of Greenland Ice Sheet Outlet Glacier Terminus Retreat
Graciela Lopez Campos
The Evolution of Pore Pressure, Stress, and Physical Properties During Sediment Accretion at Subduction Zones
Kaitlin Schaible
In Situ Stress within the Nankai Accretionary Prism Determined from Borehole Breakouts
The 50th Anniversary & Celebration is open to current and former members of UTIG, the Department of Geological Sciences, the Bureau of Economic Geology and everyone at the Jackson School of Geosciences. Friends and family are welcome.
For more information, please contact us at social@ig.utexas.edu.