Researchers have discovered a sea’s worth of water locked within the sediment and rock of a lost volcanic plateau that’s now deep in the Earth’s crust. Revealed by a 3D seismic image, the water lies two miles under the ocean floor off the coast of New Zealand, where it may be dampening a major earthquake… Continue Reading Discovery of Massive Undersea Water Reservoir Could Explain New Zealand’s Mysterious Slow Earthquakes
UT Graduate Student Research Solves Plate Tectonics Mystery
The longstanding enigma of how tectonic plates can break Earth’s rock-hard shell may have been solved by a recent graduate student at The University of Texas at Austin who caught the Earth in the act of starting a new tectonic conveyor belt off the coast of New Zealand. The world’s tectonic conveyor belts – called… Continue Reading UT Graduate Student Research Solves Plate Tectonics Mystery
From The Field: Final Update From SISIE
UTIG researchers and students Sean Gulick, Harm Van Avendonk, Brandon Shuck, Dominik Kardell, Steffen Saustrup, Marcy Davis and Dan Duncan just returned from their time aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth off the coast of New Zealand working on the South Island Subduction Initiation Experiment (SISIE). They sent us this update on their final two… Continue Reading From The Field: Final Update From SISIE
From the Field: Update from SISIE
UTIG researchers and students Sean Gulick, Harm Van Avendonk, Brandon Shuck, Dominik Kardell, Steffen Saustrup, Marcy Davis and Dan Duncan are currently aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth off the coast of New Zealand working on the South Island Subduction Initiation Experiment (SISIE). They sent us this update on their work so far on their… Continue Reading From the Field: Update from SISIE